Embark on the Adventure: The National Hiking Award Program Calls Canadian Hikers to Conquer Trails and Knowledge

Canada's breathtaking landscapes are a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, and what better way to embrace the beauty of the great outdoors than by participating in the National Hiking Award program? This initiative invites hikers from coast to coast to take on the challenge of hiking 50 kilometers, contributing to trail maintenance, participating in hiking events, and ultimately proving their knowledge through a comprehensive 24-question exam to earn the prestigious National Hiking Award. Conquering the Trails The heart [...]

2024-01-20T13:15:58-08:00January 20th, 2024|Trails and Access|0 Comments

Plowing of road and upper parking lot to access trail to Garibaldi Lake – Winter 2023-2024

This coming winter (2023-2024), BC Parks has arranged for Miller Capilano to intermittently plow the access road and about 70 parking stalls to provide winter access to the Rubble Creek trailhead to Garibaldi Lake and surrounding terrain.  Important safety information Throughout the winter season, Miller Capilano’s priority is to plow and maintain highways and primary roads. During winter storm cycles, do not assume that the access road to [...]

2024-01-20T13:10:56-08:00January 20th, 2024|Trails and Access|0 Comments

Queen of Blowdown meets King of Trail Clearing

Guest post by Mike Nash, Caledonia Ramblers Earlier this year, the mother of all blowdowns happened on the Sugarbowl trail just above the three-kilometre mark. What made this special was that it was a very big tree for its subalpine location, sporting an unusual number of thick branches over its entire length; and it fell directly along a steep section of brushy trail. It was very difficult to [...]

2023-08-15T13:27:10-07:00August 15th, 2023|Trails and Access|0 Comments

Club Member Trail Markers Spring 2023

Specifications Size: 3" by 3" square Orange Diamond Grade Trail Markers - Aluminum - One Hole HIghest level of reflection The current cost for FMCBC members is $2.10 per trail marker plus tax and shipping. There may be FMCBC subsidy available for a portion of trail markers.  Order and questions can be sent to the FMCBC by March 31. Tips Use stainless steel deck screws so they can [...]

2023-03-23T09:45:38-07:00March 23rd, 2023|Trails and Access|0 Comments
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