Responsible Recreation—Preserving BC’s Backcountry for Future Generations

The FMCBC has long championed access to BC’s incredible backcountry and trails while advocating for sustainable practices. The 2024 Responsible Recreation Survey, part of the "Don’t Love It to Death" initiative, highlights the pressing need for collective action to address irresponsible recreation. Key Findings from the Survey Overcrowding, Overuse, and TrafficMost Significant Issue: 80% of respondents identified this as a major problem. Overcrowding puts strain on popular [...]

Your support is greatly appreciated

A heartfelt thank you to all those who have contributed to the FMCBC on Giving Tuesday. Your donation - small or large - provides backcountry access for safe & responsible self-propelled recreation to current and future generations. To add your voice to the FMCBC mission, please visit today!  

2022-11-30T14:41:13-08:00November 30th, 2022|FMCBC News|0 Comments

FMCBC Launches BC Trail Tracker

The Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC (FMCBC) is launching the BC Trail Tracker - a new website tool at its AGM on Saturday June 25, 2022.  The BC Trail Tracker will allow our members and the public to provide input on hiking trails in BC.  The following services will be provided: trail descriptions - our members built many of the hiking trails in BC so we know [...]

2022-06-30T07:07:33-07:00June 22nd, 2022|Blog, FMCBC News, Trails and Access|2 Comments

Backpacking during the Covid-19 pandemic

Update on the popular Berg Lake Trail in Mount Robson Provincial Park Submitted by Mike Nash - Caledonia Ramblers (Prince George) Mount Robson in the mist (Photo by Judy Lett, July 2020) For the interest of FMCBC members who are considering hiking into Mount Robson / Berg Lake during this summer’s Covid-19 pandemic, here’s what my wife, Judy and I discovered on our trip there last [...]

2022-07-29T05:24:41-07:00July 19th, 2020|Blog, Trails and Access|0 Comments
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