SFU Health Benefits Review Summary

Summary by Mack Skinner, FMCBC Advocacy Committee The purpose of this review is to summarize existing research into the health benefits associated with non-motorized outdoor recreation activities. So far academic research has paid scant attention to this topic, but over the past decade a number of interesting and innovative projects have been undertaken in several countries by health and social sciences, resulting in actual measurements of health effects. [...]

2020-05-02T04:12:10-07:00May 20th, 2014|Advocacy, FMCBC News|0 Comments

Summarized Study of Non-motorized Outdoor Recreation in BC

Report by Brian Wood, FMCBC Advocacy Committee Chair Introduction This is a brief review of the 60 page research study conducted by Simon Fraser University (SFU) on behalf of the FMCBC. Purpose This research estimates participation rates and economic contributions associated with 28 non-motorized outdoor recreation activities in British Columbia for the year 2012. Data was gathered using an Internet based survey designed by SFU in consultation with [...]

2020-05-02T04:12:23-07:00May 20th, 2014|Advocacy, FMCBC News|0 Comments

Backcountry Recreation Study

The FMCBC went through its Strategic Planning process in 2011-2012 to help us define and confirm our unique role amongst outdoor recreation clubs and conservation organizations.  The FMCBC determined that our main role is to be an advocate on behalf of non-motorized backcountry recreation users.  Protecting non-motorized backcountry recreation activities, access and interests is the FMCBC's number one goal. To achieve this goal the FMCBC set out a [...]

2020-05-02T04:12:43-07:00May 13th, 2014|Advocacy|0 Comments
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