Feedback requested – Recreation Strategy and Service Transformation in the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

John Hawkings', former Executive Director of Recreation Sites and Trails BC, has stepped into a new role to develop a vision for how the public service (BC Parks and Recreation Sites and Trails BC) deals with outdoor recreation. ORCBC has invited members to provide initial feedback on some of the issues and opportunities that the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy should consider as they move [...]

2022-12-19T11:34:55-08:00December 19th, 2022|Advocacy, Blog|0 Comments

FMCBC opposes cat skiing tenure expansion near Brew Hut

Varsity Outdoor Club's Brew Hut - Photo by Clemens Adolphs We sent a letter to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations this week opposing  Powder Mountain Catskiing's tenure expansion application into areas near the Varsity Outdoor Club's Brew Hut.  Similar letters were sent by the UBC Varsity Outdoor Club and the Alpine Club of Canada Whistler Section. FMCBC's letter lists several reasons why [...]

2020-05-02T04:04:09-07:00January 23rd, 2015|Advocacy, FMCBC News|0 Comments

Comments on plans for Pinecone Burke Park

BC Parks and the Katzie First Nation are working on a management plan for Pinecone Burke Provincial Park. The FMCBC took part in their stakeholders workshop, plus we sent in a letter during their Initial Public Input Comment Period describing what our members would like to see included in the plan.  The initial comment period is now closed, but there will be another opportunity for the public to [...]

2020-05-02T04:04:40-07:00December 1st, 2014|Advocacy|0 Comments

FMCBC provides comment on the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan

The FMCBC was one of the original stakeholders involved in the Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE) process during the early 1990s and the establishment of the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan (VILUP) in 1994.  It has now been 20 years since the VILUP was established and University of Alberta Masters Student Sabrina Schwartz contacted the FMCBC to participate in a study titled: The Vancouver Island Land Use Plan, [...]

2020-05-02T04:05:13-07:00November 26th, 2014|Advocacy, FMCBC News|0 Comments

FMCBC comments on BC Parks Ski Resort Policy Intentions Paper

Backcountry users on Cypress The FMCBC submitted comments to BC Parks on their Ski Resort Policy Intentions Paper.  A Ski Resort Policy is being developed by BC Parks to provide guidance for the three commercial ski resorts (Cypress Mountain, Mount Seymour and E.C. Manning) located within the provincial parks system.  This policy will provide direction for the management and administration of park use permits which authorize ski [...]

2020-05-02T04:10:31-07:00July 9th, 2014|Advocacy, FMCBC News|0 Comments
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