Minister George Heyman decides the fate of Tetrahedron Provincial Park

I’m pleased to announce that, in a late afternoon phone call yesterday, I was advised by senior Ministry of Environment staff that Minster Heyman had in fact decided on the future of Tetrahedron Provincial Park. To quote the press release, “...the minister… evaluated the Chapman Lake expansion project and after careful consideration, is not prepared to move forward with a park boundary amendment… As a result, the Sunshine [...]

2020-05-02T03:04:20-07:00February 9th, 2019|Advocacy|0 Comments

Tetrahedron Provincial Park Update – January 2019

The FMCBC has been attempting for some months to broker a meeting with Minister Heyman and staff with several allied groups. The Minister advised us last week he is declining to meet. While we are unsure why, we understand ministry staff are hoping the FMCBC and our affiliated organisations will assist them by requesting the SCRD directors withdraw their application with MoE and BC Parks to redesignate the [...]

2020-05-02T03:04:54-07:00January 30th, 2019|Advocacy|0 Comments

Tetrahedron Provincial Park Planning Process – Public Comments Released

Edwards Cabin, 1987 (before Tetrahedron became a park!) As a friendly Christmas gesture, Chris Ludwig, president of the BC Mountaineering Club (BCMC) and co-founder of Backcountry BC, presented the Fed with a copy of a 1,500+ page Freedom of Information document related to the Tetrahedron Provincial Park public process—such as it was. Fed members will recall that this has been a longstanding issue for one of [...]

2020-05-04T05:57:23-07:00January 17th, 2019|Advocacy|0 Comments

Tetrahedron Provincial Park Update

From our Executive Director, Barry Janyk (November 27, 2018): Chapman Lake at full height (photo: Paul Kubik) Tetrahedron Provincial Park’s future remains a serious question. It was hoped that the Local Government elections would change the Sunshine Coast Regional District’s political direction on degrading the provincial park. However, following the October 20th election, voting at the SCRD Board is once again obscure. A pro development slate [...]

2020-05-02T03:09:34-07:00November 29th, 2018|Advocacy|0 Comments

An update on the BC Parks process for Tetrahedron Provincial Park

From our Executive Director, Barry Janyk - May 28th, 2018: As folks are likely aware, there was another “Open House” style meeting at the Roberts Creek Community Hall on the 24th May to “learn about and provide input into options being considered regarding the designation of Tetrahedron Park to enable the province to consider the possible expansion of the community water supply infrastructure at Chapman Lake.” This meeting [...]

2020-05-02T03:14:28-07:00May 30th, 2018|Advocacy|0 Comments
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