Updated: March 23, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 2020 FMCBC AGM has been postponed, possibly to late September. We’ll monitor the situation and reschedule when we have better knowledge.

As a provincial organization, our staff and volunteers are located throughout the province. Most of our day-to-day operations are already carried out remotely; our staff members work from home; email is our main form of communication and many of our committee meetings are held via teleconference. To ensure the safety of everyone in our organization and our communities, we will shift to remote communications in all of our meetings and encourage our staff, volunteers and members to adjust all of their practices, whether in the office or exploring the backcountry.

The Caledonia Ramblers put together an excellent resource on risk reduction for outdoor clubs, which we’ve shared below. Take note and remember that outdoor activities like hiking and snowshoeing are a safe and healthy way to get through these uncertain times!

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with our Executive Director, Barry Janyk, at executive.director@mountainclubs.org


From the Caledonia Ramblers:

It is critical that we recognize the risks of infection, respect recommendations to prevent spread and adjust our practices to protect ourselves and vulnerable others within our community.

The most effective means of risk reduction at present include basic hygiene measures and social distancing.

  • Avoid handshakes and close personal contact. Greet with elbow bump, hand wave, or just a friendly smile
  • Wash hands frequently with soap & warm water x 20 seconds (yes…count!)
  • Avoid touching your face: eyes, nose or mouth
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (if possible) after contact with common public surfaces, and no access to water. Wash hands as soon as possible
  • Avoid large crowds. Maintain 1 metre distance from other people
  • Do not share food from common containers or use shared serving utensils (e.g. a potluck)
  • Cough or sneeze into a Kleenex or the crook of your arm

Stay home if you have:

  • a cough, fever or other symptoms of illness
  • just returned (within 14 days) from travel outside of Canada, or from an area of known disease outbreak

“Flattening the Curve”- Health Protection Practices for hikes, snowshoe trips & public events

  • ALL unnecessary travel is to be avoided and all outdoor group association is to be restricted to immediate family members or 1 to 2 other people.