Sea-to-Sky LRMP/Winter Recreation Zoning

Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMPs) provide strategic direction for the management of public lands and natural resources. The Sea-to-Sky LRMP was approved in April 2008. The full LRMP, maps and reports are available here. The LRMP is now in the implementation phase, and the FMCBC is represented in the LRMP Implementation Committee for Recreation (PIC Recreation Implementation). One meeting was held in October 2009 and the next [...]

2020-05-02T04:23:23-07:00August 5th, 2013|Recreation and Conservation|0 Comments

Lillooet LRMP/Winter Recreation Zoning

Unlike in the Sea-to-Sky LRMP, the section on winter backcountry recreation zoning is very small in the Lillooet LRMP.   The FMCBC sent in comments in 2000.  A draft of the plan was released in July 2004, which is now part of the government-to-government discussions with First Nations. A small map titled "Winter Access" can be found on p.49 of the draft LRMP. It shows three areas zoned "Winter [...]

2020-05-02T04:23:45-07:00August 5th, 2013|Recreation and Conservation|0 Comments
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