Resources for backcountry recreation groups during COVID-19

Are you an outdoor recreation or backcountry group that’s seeking resources to transition during different reopening phases of COVID-19? The Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC has put together some tips, guides, and protocols that include best practices from outdoor member clubs and have been collaboratively built based on recommendations from health professionals and outdoor recreation organizations: Recommended actions to stay safe while restarting group hikes, backcountry [...]

2022-07-29T05:26:03-07:00May 17th, 2020|FMCBC News, Trails and Access|2 Comments

Trails on Crown Land

The Forest Range Practices Act has three sections that trail builders should be aware of when working on Crown Land. In short: Section 56 establishes a trail on Crown land Section 57 allows construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of a trail on Crown land Section 58 offers protection for a trail on Crown land Section 118 Agreement (Partnership Agreement) provides authority for a land manager to enter into an [...]

2020-05-03T23:27:11-07:00December 10th, 2015|Trails and Access|2 Comments

Natural Resource Road Act

The Provincial Government requested public feedback on its discussion paper that will help build the foundation for the Natural Resource Road Act which will be used to streamline law that applies to all resource roads in B.C.  You can view the feedback which the FMCBC submitted below.  This feedback was put together by members of the FMCBC Southwest BC Recreation and Conservation Committee and submitted via email and through the online [...]

2020-05-02T03:47:49-07:00August 3rd, 2015|Trails and Access|0 Comments
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