Have You Encountered Unauthorized Motor Vehicles in BC Parks?

Crossing snowmobile tracks in the non-motorized zone. Photo Credit: Peter Gumplinger The BC government estimates there are 200,000 off-road vehicles in British Columbia. And while not all are used for outdoor recreation, chances are you’ve come across a motorized vehicle while spending time in a provincial park. The mandatory registration requirements for all off-road vehicles came into effect in 2015 (snowmobiles have been registered in BC [...]

2020-05-02T03:28:59-07:00October 13th, 2016|Recreation and Conservation|0 Comments

21 Mile Creek (Rainbow Lake Area)

Snowmobiles in the 21 Mile Creek area. Specifically, the drainage and west slopes of Mt Sproatt. Photo credit: Wolf Eilers Click here to complete the 21 Mile Creek Survey The 21 Mile Creek drainage is a non-motorized zone and snowmobiling is prohibited. The Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC is conducting a user survey to measure the frequency of illegal snowmobile use in 21 Mile Creek. [...]

2020-05-02T04:17:15-07:00November 20th, 2013|Recreation and Conservation|0 Comments
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