Queen of Blowdown meets King of Trail Clearing

Guest post by Mike Nash, Caledonia Ramblers Earlier this year, the mother of all blowdowns happened on the Sugarbowl trail just above the three-kilometre mark. What made this special was that it was a very big tree for its subalpine location, sporting an unusual number of thick branches over its entire length; and it fell directly along a steep section of brushy trail. It was very difficult to [...]

2023-08-15T13:27:10-07:00August 15th, 2023|Trails and Access|0 Comments

Dave King, Caledonia Ramblers member and FMCBC Director, Citizen of the Year

Written by Mark Nielsen Dave King, a long-time member of the Caledonia Ramblers and a familiar face to the Federation of Mountain Clubs of British Columbia has been named a Citizen of the Year in his home community. The Prince George Community Foundation has bestowed the honour on Dave for his contributions to outdoor recreation in B.C.'s Central Interior - and they are many. If you are a [...]

2023-03-13T13:19:17-07:00March 13th, 2023|Blog, FMCBC News|0 Comments

Interview with Dave King, Caledonia Rambers, on ‘Crazy Damn Canadians’ podcast

Breaking news from Prince George…long-time Caledonia Ramblers leader, trail builder extraordinaire, and FMCBC rep (and champion), Dave King was interviewed on the ‘Crazy Damn Canadians’ podcast series. It is available via most podcast services and on YouTube at: https://bit.ly/DaveKingPodcast Here's Dave holding the two-volume trail guide that has been a mainstay of the Caledonia Ramblers for the past half century.  

2021-12-13T10:59:25-08:00December 13th, 2021|Blog, Member News|0 Comments
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