We have concerns with BC Parks Draft Ski Resort Policy and think you should too because the draft policy could potentially be used as a template for commercial operations within Class A Parks in the future. We believe that further review of the following points is necessary to ensure that BC Parks responsibilities to protect the natural environments and facilitate public access for non-commercial, non-motorized recreation within Class A Parks remain the priority.  If you agree with us you can send an email directly to BC Parks through our online email form below.

  1. A 60-year lease is too long for a commercial ski hill operating within a Class A Park. Such a long-term lease will make it difficult to respond to changes in recreation opportunities, capacity and visitor management and climate. National parks maximum lease length is 42 years. We feel that this should be the maximum for a provincial park.
  2. The draft policy states that changes to existing ski resort plans will be made public once the development plans are approved. We feel that the public needs to have adequate opportunities for consultation during the planning stages before development plans are approved.
  3. Roles and responsibilities for capacity and visitor management must be clearly set out and require public consultation before implementation
  4. The draft policy in its current form concentrates on commercial use and development in parks. So as not to lose sight of the original intent of parks which was for non-motorized recreation and access to wild and natural areas, we feel that maintenance of traditional and low impact recreation opportunities should be clearly addressed and protected through wording in this draft policy.
  5. The integrity of our parks and free public access to them should not be sacrificed to ski hill commercial viability. Restrictions on public use of the parks due to ski hill operations should be minimal and the need for public access should not come secondary to the operators’ need for profits.

NOTE:  Before sending, you can view and edit the letter in the form below by clicking the READ THIS PETITION button.

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