Recreation and Conservation
FMCBC staff and committees work with representatives from the provincial government, land and resource industries and commercial recreation to resolve conflicts with other users and stakeholders such as heli-skiing, snowmobile use, logging and mining. The FMCBC’s strong advocacy role also promotes the protection of key wilderness areas and the creation and maintenance of parks in BC.
The FMCBC participates in or provides input to several panels and planning tables such as Stewardship Panels, Land and Resource Management Plans, and provincial parks planning. The FMCBC is invited to participate in these processes by the government and other stakeholders as it is regarded as the legitimate body representing non-motorized backcountry recreational users in British Columbia.

Explore the issues
A new vision for the public service delivery of outdoor recreation in BC
Recreation Strategy and Service Transformation On June 28, 2023, Monika Bittel, FMCBC director, attended the first of four public engagement sessions to develop a new vision for the public service delivery of outdoor recreation in [...]
BC Parks launches an updated Survey on Day-Passes in September 2022
BC Parks is doing another survey about their day-use pass program. Please read our concerns before filing out the survey. BC Parks initiated the Day-Use Pass program in 2020 as part of [...]
Proposed Gondola near Chilliwack will provide improved access to the ridge beside Mount Cheam
Bridal Falls Gondola Corporation, is proposing to build a gondola and an eco-cultural tourism amenity near Bridal Falls, just east of Chilliwack, The proposed gondola will operate under the name Cascade Skyline Gondola and [...]
Aggressive Grizzly Bear near Whistler
There is a report from Sheila Klassen of a Grizzly being aggressive with food caches at Berg Lake (Tricouni trail from Chance Creek) south of Whistler: “On September 4th early morning…. I woke up [...]
Singing Pass Trail – Alternate Access Route – Summer 2022 Update
We are getting close to an agreement on the proposed route from Lot 8 on the Blackcomb side of Fitzsimmons Creek and hope we can build the bridge and trail next year in 2023. [...]
Landscape Unit Planning for Chilliwack Natural Resources District
The FMCBC was recently contacted by a consultant working for the TS'ELXWÉYEQW FORESTRY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP as part of the Landscape Unit Planning process for the Chilliwack Natural Resource District in the Fraser Timber Supply Area (TSA). [...]