The following information has been provided to help your club complete a Member Club Grant application. If you have further questions, please email us at

General Information on FMCBC’s Member Club Grant Program

Click here to view past projects funded by the Member Club Grant Program. Some of the projects which have been funded by FMCBC Member Club Grants include trail construction, tool purchases, hut renovations, and bridge building.

Grant applications are due by May 31st (11:59pm). Grants are awarded during the FMCBC’s Annual General Meeting.

Only clubs currently in good standing with the FMCBC qualify. To be in good standing a club’s membership dues from the previous year must be fully paid by June 30th.

Clubs can only submit one application per year. If they submit more than one application they will be asked to choose only one for consideration.

The FMCBC Grant Committee is comprised of FMCBC Directors. These directors volunteer for the committee at the March board meeting. Clubs who have an FMCBC Director on the grant committee still qualify to apply for grant funding.

The FMCBC will support as many funding requests as possible depending on the level of donations received within the previous fiscal year. Since the program began, grant awards have ranged from $500 to $2000.

Award cheques will be presented in person to those clubs who send representatives to the FMCBC’s Annual General Meeting (May or June) and will be mailed directly to those clubs who do not send a representative.

The FMCBC requires that all successful applicants submit a final report. For a club to be eligible for further grant funding, the final report must be submitted before March 31.

How to complete the form

Section 1: Club Contact Info

The name, email address and phone number included in this section will be used to contact your club with any questions which the grant committee Members might have in regards to your application. Grant awards will be presented to clubs in person at the FMCBC’s AGM, but if your club is unable to send a representative, your club will be mailed a cheque to the address listed in this section. More than one contact person can be listed on the application by including commas between names, email addresses and phone numbers. Only one mailing address should be listed.

NOTE: If the person listed as a contact is not already known to the FMCBC, we will contact your club’s FMCBC Rep to ensure that your club supports the application.

Section 2: Project Details

Project Title & Description

Please provide a title for your project and a brief description. The grant committee is comprised mainly of volunteers so please keep your project description brief, but informative. The committee members will mainly want to understand the scope of your project, how you plan to accomplish it and how the funding from the FMCBC will be used.

Some club projects are part of a larger project. If this is the case with your project, please include this in your description.

Total Project Budget

If your project is a stand alone project then simply fill in the box with the full amount of funding it will take to complete your project.

If your project is a piece of a larger project, please answer this question with the amount of funding required to complete this specific piece (which you have given a project title in the previous section) of the larger project.

For example, if your club is upgrading a network of trails and the total project cost is going to be $50,000 you would not include this amount in the Total Project Budget. Instead, you would breakdown the budget for the section of trail for which you are seeking funding and include only that amount in the Total Project Budget.

Funding Request

This is the amount that you are requesting from the FMCBC to support your project. If you have other funding secured you may only be seeking a portion of your Total Project Budget or you might be seeking full funding from the FMCBC for your project. Either is fine as the FMCBC has no requirements for clubs to secure funding from other sources.

It should be noted that FMCBC Member Club Grants are generally within the range of $500 – $2,000. Your club can apply for an amount above $2,000, but if there are multiple applications which qualify for funding you may only receive a portion of funding within this $500 – $2,000 range.

Describe how your project aligns with the FMCBC’s vision and/or mission statements:

The FMCBC supports projects which align with its vision/mission statements. Review the statements and explain how your project supports these. This will show the grant committee that your club has some understanding of the FMCBC and its purpose.

FMCBC’s Vision: British Columbia’s backcountry is shared amongst all recreational users in a way that self-propelled users have reasonable access to an enjoyable experience.

FMCBC’s Mission: To advocate for safe, self-propelled activities (such as hiking, mountaineering, backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, trail running and other backcountry activities) and the protection of BC’s backcountry for current and future generations to experience

Who will benefit from your project?

The FMCBC supports projects which benefit non-motorized, backcountry users in a variety of ways. Completing this section will show the grant committee that you are aware of how your project impacts these users and whether it will provide new or improved experiences for them.

Please estimate the number of volunteer hours your project will take to complete

The grant committee will be interested in how many volunteer hours will be needed to complete your project. Some projects involve many volunteer hours and the funding goes mainly towards material costs while other projects fund professionals to conduct surveys, haul materials etc. There is no requirement to engage a certain number of volunteers.

What is your anticipated project start and completion dates?

Projects are generally scheduled to begin in the summer or fall and should be completed by March 31 the following year.

Additional Funding Sources

In this section, describe any other funding sources for your project that have already been secured or that your club will be seeking. This helps the grant committee understand to what extent your club is looking to the FMCBC to fund your project.

Section 3: Agreement and Additional Documents

FMCBC Recognition

A request of all clubs who receive an FMCBC Member Club Grant is to recognize the FMCBC in any press releases related to their project, through their club newsletter, website and/or social media channels and on any signage attached to the project. A link to these should be sent to

Final Report

The FMCBC requires a final report be submitted when your project has been completed. Final reports should be completed before March 31. The report will request at minimum two photos be sent to to be used on the FMCBC’s website to promote the Member Club Grant Program.


The person completing the application needs to certify that their club has approved the application. If the contact person is not known to the FMCBC, the club’s FMCBC Director will be contacted for authorization.

Supporting Documents

At minimum your project requires two letters of support. Letters of support from clubs/organizations who are not already members of the FMCBC are encouraged. A few ideas for whom to approach for letters of support include: Regional districts, municipalities, BC Parks, Recreation Sites and Trails, local outdoor clubs (non-FMCBC members), post secondary institutions, and outdoor recreation organizations.

The FMCBC Grant Application form will be available on this page on April 1.

This form is not yet available.