In 2012, the FMCBC hired Professor Wolfgang Haider from Simon Fraser University to conduct province-wide research on the following three topics:
- The economic impact of non-motorized recreation in the backcountry, including the impacts of hiking, mountaineering and other backcountry activities on recreational tourism.
- The size of the non-motorized backcountry community in British Columbia.
- The health benefits derived from active participation in hiking, mountaineering and other non-motorized backcountry activities.
An online Mountain Recreation Survey was developed to gather data from across BC to determine the economic impact and size of the non-motorized backcountry community. A literature review was conducted to determine the health benefits of non-motorized backcountry recreation. The results of this research is found in the following reports:
Non-Motorized Outdoor Recreation in British Columbia in 2012: Participation and Economic Contributions
Health Benefits of Non-Motorized Outdoor Recreation: A Summary of Published Findings
The FMCBC’s Recreation and Conservation Committee developed a survey to evaluate use of 21 Mile Creek for winter backcountry recreation. The area is a zoned as non-motorized, but over recent years there has been much snowmobile activity in the area. The survey was used to evaluate to what degree users have been experiencing conflicts. Results of this survey were used by the committee to communicate the growing problem to government which resulted in improved signage for the area.