There is a report from Sheila Klassen of a Grizzly being aggressive with food caches at Berg Lake (Tricouni trail from Chance Creek) south of Whistler:
“On September 4th early morning…. I woke up to huffing outside my tent. [A] Grizzly Bear who really is not deterred by much. [The bear] Certainly, has his own agenda and does not run away from constant yelling or blowing of a whistle. [The bear also] Had an earlier encounter with other tenters 30 minutes prior – bear approached group, not deterred despite effort, went to where they had their food cache and broke the branch to get it down. Prior group packed up and hiked out and we did a fast pack up and bombed outta there too.“
Steve Jones (a hiker and blogger from North Vancouver) recommends that all hikers carry a Ursack. MEC seems to sell this at a reasonable price considering the listed US price. MEC also carries another product: BearVault BV500 Bear Resistant Food Container. Who has experience with it?
There are many other areas near Whistler on the east side of Highway 99 that grizzlies have also been spotted. A Grizzly was even seen in Squamish last year. So, if we want these bears not to be all killed, we will have to do our part to ensure that they don’t continue to get used to eating hiker’s food.
Also, a black bear had to be killed recently by a conservation officer since it was knocking down food bags at Taylor Meadows.
If you are hiking to a campsite that doesn’t have bear proof containers such as Elfin Lakes, then please buy an Ursack or equivalent product.
FMCBC Contact: Jay MacArthur, Trails Committee Chair

Photo credit: Sheila Klassen
Sheila also did the original Facebook post that I saw in a share from Steve Jones.
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