FMCBC Directors, Members and Committee Chairs at the 2014 Annual General Meeting in Castlegar

2014 AGM Attendees

FMCBC Directors met in Castlegar over the June 7th weekend for our Annual General Meeting.  The Kootenay Mountaineering Club (KMC) hosted the weekend providing many opportunities to socialize, get outdoors and discuss the direction of the FMCBC for the coming year.

Congratulations to the KMC on 50 years!

Congratulations to the KMC on 50 years!

Directors attended a BBQ at KMC President, Doug Clark’s home on Friday night.  The FMCBC took the opportunity to congratulate the KMC on their 50 year anniversary.  Thank you to Doug and Linda for hosting a great BBQ for us!

The meeting was held at the Castlegar Community Complex on the Saturday. Lots of good discussion was had in the morning. Andrew Drouin from the Member Club Grant Committee presented the awards for this year’s grants.  Congratulations to the following clubs – we look forward to hearing about your projects later this year:

Small group discussion on potential member services FMCBC could offer clubs

Small group discussion on potential member services FMCBC could offer clubs

After lunch the directors voted in officers for this year’s executive.  Congratulations to the following people who will sit on the FMCBC Executive for 2014-2015:

After the voting, the directors broke out into smaller groups to discuss the topics of fundraising, outreach and member services.  Each group reported out on their topic and some great ideas came out of their discussions.  The board and committees will further discuss these ideas and decide on which ones are feasible to implement over the coming year.

Research Presentation

Scott Webster sharing the results of the research studies

To wrap up the AGM Scott Webster gave a presentation on the results of the two studies commissioned by the FMCBC, evaluating both participation rates in non-motorized outdoor recreational activities and their economic and health impacts. The research, conducted by the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University, clearly shows these activities have enormous benefits both for participants and the economy.  Thank you to Scott for sharing these with us.


Some of the directors who participated in the orienteering event hosted by the KMC

During the AGM, the KMC hosted an orienteering event at Selkirk College open to FMCBC directors, KMC members and the general public.  Many AGM attendees headed over to participate after the meeting.  It was a good opportunity for everyone to get outside after a long day.  Jeff van Santen from the Varsity Outdoor Club Okanagan (red shirt, far left) showed us all how it was done and ran the course completing it in the best time.

Saturday evening the directors went out for dinner at The Element and then took in a presentation by Dave Quinn which was hosted by the KMC and FMCBC at the Old Castlegar Theatre.

Some of the directors preparing for the Sunday morning hike

Some of the directors preparing for the Sunday morning hike

Lots was going on in town that weekend as Castlegar was celebrating their annual Sunfest weekend.  Although the directors missed the parade while they were in the meeting on Saturday morning many of them did take in other activities including the fireworks on Saturday night.

view from dove hill

View of Castlegar from Dove Hill

Sunday morning the KMC hosted two hikes. A shorter one to Dove Hill and a longer and steeper one to Mount Sentinel.  Many directors participated before heading home.  Thank you to the KMC for organizing a great weekend for us and to all those people who hosted our directors as billets.  We couldn’t have done it without your help!