Over the past week, organizations such as BC Nature and the Friends of Cypress Provincial Park sent in letters to BC Parks expressing concern regarding the BC Parks’ Draft Ski Resort Policy which will affect ski resort operations within Mount Seymour, Cypress and Manning Provincial Parks. Today the FMCBC sent in a letter with our comments on sections of the policy which are of concern to our members as identified by our Recreation and Conservation Committee. For more background on this draft policy, please see our comments on BC Parks Intentions Paper.
Points from our letter include the following recommendations:
1. The proposed 60 year lease length for commercial ski resorts operating within provincial parks be reduced. Having a shorter lease length will allow BC Parks to better respond to climate changes and changes in recreational opportunities.
2. The public have adequate opportunities for consultation during the planning stages of any significant changes to existing ski resort plans before these plans are approved and implemented.
3. Roles and responsibilities for capacity and visitor management be clearly set out, including the interrelationship between Ski Resort and park management planning, the timing of capacity and visitor management assessments, and opportunities for public consultation.
4. In addition to addressing the commercial use and development of parks, the policy should reiterate the original purpose of the parks which was for non-motorized recreation and access to wild and natural areas.
April 21st is the deadline for comments. Click here to submit your own comments on this draft policy.