In 2014 the FMCBC applied to the National Trails Coalition for funding to restore thirteen hiking trails in the Chilliwack River Valley; most of which were built in the 1960s.  Listed, these trails are: Baby Munday, Elk-Thurston, Ford Mountain, Ling Lake, Mount Cheam, Mount Rexford, Mount McGuire, Pierce Lake, Slesse Mountain, Slesse Memorial, Vedder Mountain, Williams Ridge, Williamson Lake.

Although these trails were originally built as mountain access trails suitable for foot traffic only, the current rehabilitation plan will allow the ones of more moderate angle to be used by equestrians and mountain bikers.

The total cost to complete the project is $57,000.  The NTC is providing $28,500 and the matching funding for the project was provided by Chilliwack Tourism, Mt. Waddington’s Outdoors Store, Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Giv’r’take 30 Around the Lake Society and the Chilliwack Outdoor Club.