At the FMCBC Board of Director meeting in June 2021, the Board awarded funds for the 2021 Member Club Grant Program. This year, we’ve faced some challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These grants would not be possible without the generous donations from individual donors – thank you!
Thanks to all member clubs who submitted applications—your projects were extremely worthwhile and we wish we could have supported them all! And bravo to the FMCBC’s Member Club Grant Committee for your hard work on putting these awards together.
Congratulations to this year’s Member Club Grant Program recipients:
Member Clubs Grant Program for 2020-2021
awarded at the Special General Meeting on May 15, 2021
The pool of money available for this program was much smaller this year since a major part of it usually comes from the matching grants provided by the FMCBC in lieu of paying the travel costs of delegates to the AGM. With the AGM being held on-line last year, these funds were not available, and the generous donation from Dave King was much appreciated.
However, there was not enough for all the applications, so the committee had to limit itself to five grants, and divided the fund equally so that each received $473.40.
The five recipients were:
the Kamloops Outdoor Club, for improving the signage on the Mt Morrisey Backcountry Ski Trail
the Fraser Headwaters Alliance, towards the purchase of toilets for the Historic Goat River Trail
the Ozalenka Alpine Club, towards the purchase of a solar lighting system for the Eagle Valley Cabin,
the Vancouver Climbers Association, to assist with installing hardware on one of several of the multi-pitch sport routes they are
creating, and
the UBC Varsity Outdoor Club, for the purchase of new door handles for the Brew and Harrison Huts.
We wish these clubs success with their projects and hope to hear more later about how the work has gone,
If possible, please donate to the Member Club Grant Program to provide further assistance for trail enhancement and access projects for member clubs.
If you’re unfamiliar with the FMCBC Member Club Grant Program, which supports member club projects annually, view more info on the grant program – another perk of being a FMCBC club member! If you aren’t a member club yet, join us. View all member clubs.
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